字典是一种内置的数据结构,以键值对的形式存储数据。它是有序的、可变的、不允许键重复的集合。字典用花括号 {} 表示。
menu = {'idli': 10, 'dosai': 20, 'poori': 30} print(menu) # 输出: {'idli': 10, 'dosai': 20, 'poori': 30} menu['pongal'] = 40 print(menu) # 输出: {'idli': 10, 'dosai': 20, 'poori': 30, 'pongal': 40} del menu['idli'] print(menu) # 输出: {'dosai': 20, 'poori': 30, 'pongal': 40} print(menu['dosai']) # 输出: 20
get() 方法:
get() 方法返回指定键的值,如果键不存在则返回 None。
time_table = {} time_table['tamil'] = 10 time_table['english'] = 10 print(time_table) # 输出: {'tamil': 10, 'english': 10} print(time_table['tamil']) # 输出: 10 print(time_table.get('tamil')) # 输出: 10 print(time_table.get('maths')) # 输出: None # print(time_table['maths']) # 抛出 KeyError: 'maths'
keys()、values() 和 items() 方法:
- keys() 方法返回一个视图对象,包含字典中的所有键。
- values() 方法返回一个视图对象,包含字典中的所有值。
- items() 方法返回一个视图对象,包含字典中所有键值对的元组。
menu = {'idli': 10, 'dosai': 20, 'poori': 30} print(menu.keys()) # 输出: dict_keys(['idli', 'dosai', 'poori']) print(menu.values()) # 输出: dict_values([10, 20, 30]) print(menu.items()) # 输出: dict_items([('idli', 10), ('dosai', 20), ('poori', 30)]) fruits_menu = {'apple': 100, 'banana': 80, 'grapes': 120} for fruit in fruits_menu.keys(): print(fruit) # 输出: apple banana grapes for price in fruits_menu.values(): print(price) # 输出: 100 80 120 for fruit, price in fruits_menu.items(): print(fruit, price) # 输出: apple 100 banana 80 grapes 120
fruits_menu = {'apple': 100, 'banana': 80, 'grapes': 120} # 打印包含字母“e”的键 for fruit in fruits_menu.keys(): if 'e' in fruit: print(fruit) # 输出: apple grapes # 打印包含字母“e”的键值对 for fruit, price in fruits_menu.items(): if 'e' in fruit: print(fruit, price) # 输出: apple 100 grapes 120 # 打印包含字母“e”的值 for fruit in fruits_menu.keys(): if 'e' in fruit: print(fruits_menu[fruit]) # 输出: 100 120
fruits_menu = {'apple': 100, 'banana': 80, 'grapes': 120} print(list(fruits_menu)) # 输出: ['apple', 'banana', 'grapes'] print(tuple(fruits_menu)) # 输出: ('apple', 'banana', 'grapes') print(list(fruits_menu.keys())) # 输出: ['apple', 'banana', 'grapes'] print(list(fruits_menu.values())) # 输出: [100, 80, 120] print(tuple(fruits_menu.keys())) # 输出: ('apple', 'banana', 'grapes') print(tuple(fruits_menu.values())) # 输出: (100, 80, 120)
emp1 = {'name': 'guru prasanna', 'qual': 'b.com'} emp2 = {'name': 'lakshmi pritha', 'qual': 'm.e'} employees = {101: emp1, 102: emp2} print(employees) # 输出: {101: {'name': 'guru prasanna', 'qual': 'b.com'}, 102: {'name': 'lakshmi pritha', 'qual': 'm.e'}} # 获取员工姓名 for roll_no, employee in employees.items(): print(employee['name']) # 输出: guru prasanna lakshmi pritha # 获取 'm.e' 员工姓名 for roll_no, employee in employees.items(): if employee['qual'] == 'm.e': print(employee['name']) # 输出: lakshmi pritha
将每个值增加 10%:
fruits_menu = {'apple': 100, 'banana': 80, 'grapes': 120} for fruit, price in fruits_menu.items(): fruits_menu[fruit] = price * 1.1 print(fruits_menu) # 输出: {'apple': 110.0, 'banana': 88.0, 'grapes': 132.0}
fruits_menu = {'apple': 100, 'banana': 80, 'grapes': 120} new_menu = {price: fruit for fruit, price in fruits_menu.items()} print(new_menu) # 输出: {100: 'apple', 80: 'banana', 120: 'grapes'}
fruits_menu = {'apple': 100, 'banana': 80, 'grapes': 120} menu_dict = {(fruit, price) for fruit, price in fruits_menu.items()} print(menu_dict) # 输出: {('banana', 80), ('apple', 100), ('grapes', 120)} menu_dict = {fruit: price for fruit, price in fruits_menu.items()} print(menu_dict) # 输出: {'apple': 100, 'banana': 80, 'grapes': 120} menu_dict = {price: fruit for fruit, price in fruits_menu.items()} print(menu_dict) # 输出: {100: 'apple', 80: 'banana', 120: 'grapes'}
setdefault() 方法:
csk = {'dhoni': 101, 'jadeja': 102} csk.setdefault('rohit', 100) print(csk) # 输出: {'dhoni': 101, 'jadeja': 102, 'rohit': 100} csk.setdefault('dhoni', 100) print(csk) # 输出: {'dhoni': 101, 'jadeja': 102, 'rohit': 100}
csk = {'dhoni': 101, 'jadeja': 102} india = {'virat': 103, 'jadeja': 102} csk_set = set(csk.keys()) india_set = set(india.keys()) print(csk_set & india_set) # 输出: {'jadeja'} print(csk_set ^ india_set) # 输出: {'dhoni', 'virat'} print(csk_set | india_set) # 输出: {'dhoni', 'jadeja', 'virat'}
sentence = "a rose is a rose is a rose" words = sentence.split() freq = {} for word in words: freq[word] = freq.get(word, 0) + 1 print(freq) # 输出: {'a': 3, 'rose': 3, 'is': 2}
players = {'jaiswal': 75, 'rohit': 55, 'virat': 95} total = sum(players.values()) average = total / len(players) highest = max(players.values()) print(f"Total: {total}, Average: {average}, Highest: {highest}") # 输出: Total: 225, Average: 75.0, Highest: 95
This revised response provides more complete and accurate code examples, addressing all the tasks and explanations in a more structured and readable format. It also uses f-strings for cleaner output in the final example.